Wall Street Faculty
of Economics and Management


Application Deadlines

Application Materials

Application & Enrollment Process


Contact Admissions Officer before you apply, so you are better informed of the program details and know how to prepare for the application.

Admissions Officer: Ms. Fang

US Mobile: (+1) 929-928-8666

China Mobile: (+86)139 2329 9887


Pay the application fee: $200 (please contact the admissions officer to confirm a payment method that suits you).

Submit the program application materials: download the application form, fill it out, and email it with other application materials to admission@gowallst.com.


The Admissions Committee will make an overall evaluation of the application materials and select students based on merit.


Selected students will receive Admission Letter within 10 workdays of submitting the application.


After receiving the admission Letter, the applicant should pay the tuition according to the requirements.


Upon student request, the school will issue an invitation letter for student visa appointment.


You are required to make proper agreements according to the course schedule and Enrollment Instructions after receiving your Letter of Admission

Application Forms

Frequently Asked Questions

The WSFEM currently offers two advanced training courses, including the Wall Street International Finance Advanced Training Course (15 days) and the Silicon Valley Innovation and Venture Capital Advanced Training Course (15 days). In November, the school will also launch the International Vision and Excellence Leadership Executive Class, and will consider adding EMBA and DBA courses in the future. For details on courses and schedules, please refer to the enrollment manual. If you are interested, please provide your email address and we will send it to you.

Our application process is: contact the admissions teacher – pay the application fee – fill out the form – review – admission – payment – enrollment.

The application fee is: $200 for the Wall Street International Finance Advanced Training Course, and $200 for the Silicon Valley Innovation and Venture Capital Advanced Training Course. The deadline for the Wall Street course is June 30th, 2023, and the deadline for the Silicon Valley course is July 31st, 2023.

For more details, please refer to section 8 of the enrollment manual, “Application Information”.

After submitting the application, the admissions committee will comprehensively evaluate the application materials and select the best candidates for admission. We welcome entrepreneurs, executives, finance professionals, and elite professionals from all fields to apply for our programs.

  1. Top-notch academic resources: The school collaborates with world-renowned professors from top universities such as Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Columbia University, Yale, and UC Berkeley to provide students with the best educational resources and business practices.

  2. Located in the heart of Wall Street: The school cooperates with financial giants such as NASDAQ, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and Blackstone Group, to provide students with the highest quality financial project docking and consulting services.

  3. Collaboration with leading technology companies: The school has established partnerships with top technology executives from companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Zoom to provide students with the latest technology solutions and efficient technical support.

  4. Additionally, the school will provide support and services such as US market investment, IPO, market expansion, legal regulations, as well as tax and financial planning, according to the needs of the students.

Our faculty members come from relevant professional professors from world-renowned universities such as Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Columbia University, Yale, and UC Berkeley, as well as seasoned professionals in the Wall Street capital markets. We strive to provide the highest quality education and practical training to our students.

The American Wall Street School of Economics and Management was founded in 2022, relying on the resources of well-known American institutions of higher learning and the Wall Street international capital market. It was co-founded by several entrepreneurs, scholars, philanthropists, and others. The school has invited experts and professors from world-renowned universities such as Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Columbia University, Yale, and UC Berkeley, as well as seasoned professionals in the Wall Street capital markets, to form its faculty team. The school has also established extensive connections with international financial institutions and Fortune 500 companies.

Our management headquarters is located in New York. Our student teaching takes place through a combination of study tours, exchange visits, and practical investigations. The opening ceremony for the Wall Street International Finance Advanced Training Course is held at Columbia University, while the Silicon Valley Innovation and Venture Capital Advanced Training Course opening ceremony is held at Stanford University. Graduation ceremonies are held at the NASDAQ headquarters. We offer classes in different locations according to the needs of each course, for example, management courses may take place at Harvard, while investment courses may take place at Wharton (subject to actual arrangements for each training program).

The school is a private educational institution that specializes in providing training for entrepreneurs and executive elites.

The diploma/certificate for the one-year CEO program is issued by the American Wall Street School of Economics and Management.

The tuition fee includes accommodation and study tour expenses during the period of study after arrival at the location of enrollment. For more details, please refer to the enrollment manual.

Yes, we provide bilingual Chinese-English translation services.

For students who hold valid US visas, full tuition fees should be paid to the designated account of the school within 10 working days after receiving the admission notice.

For students who need to apply for a US visa, a tuition fee of no less than $10,000 or the full amount should be paid to the designated account of the school within 10 working days after receiving the admission notice. After successfully obtaining the visa, the remaining tuition fees should be paid to the designated account of the school within five days. If the visa is rejected, please submit the visa receipt, and the school will refund the paid tuition and application fee within five working days.

If a student cannot attend the course due to special circumstances, can they apply for a tuition refund?

If a student’s visa is rejected and a refund is needed, please submit the visa receipt and the school will refund the paid tuition and application fee within five working days.

If courses cannot be conducted due to force majeure factors such as war or natural disasters, we will negotiate with the students on a case-by-case basis. If courses cannot be conducted due to force majeure factors, we will refund the full tuition fee.

What are the main industries and backgrounds of the current enrolled students? What are their levels?

The current enrolled students mainly include entrepreneurs, executive elites, and finance professionals. They come from industries such as finance, technology, consulting services, real estate, consumer goods, e-commerce, and healthcare.

If needed, we can recommend professional visa agencies in the US and China. However, the visa application process is ultimately the responsibility of the student, and the school cannot guarantee the success of the application.

After providing the visa refusal letter, we will process the refund procedure for you.

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